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My Manifestation Success Story - "How Daily Positive Affirmations Have Transformed My Life: A Personal Testimonial"

If you have found this post, I am sure you have some familiarity with the law of attraction, manifestation, and the powers of our mind. If not, stick around for future posts on my own findings and interpretations of what we are capable of achieving with our minds. On today's post, I want to share my personal experience of what positive thinking has done for me. I consider it a  manifestation success story.

Woman meditating on beach

My journey of diving deep into the wonders of our personal power began in 2008 after a long battle of low self-esteem, depression, and just an unexplained sadness within. All of my life I had felt like an outcast and couldn't quite fit in with those around me. I was good at pretending though and no one around me was able to know what was going on inside of me and that I was carrying this heaviness around. I also didn't feel like I had good reason to feel as bad as I did so that made me keep my feelings bottled in and not speak to anyone about it. Not having "good reasons" for these feelings also added guilt for not appreciating the good things in my life.

During the worst of my dark times, I was coping by escaping through the means I had around me. I was over indulging on anything that would take my mind off myself and my feelings. Overeating, drinking, going out partying, binge watching tv, spending hours surfing the internet, and just any outside distraction where I wouldn't have to be alone with my thoughts.

My existence felt like such a burden at one point and I would curse the day before I was even out of bed. After living that way for way too long, I decided something HAD to change. I was sick of how I was living and I was not gonna take my own life, so I had to find a solution. I was too embarrassed to ask for help so I started my search on the internet. I remember being on Google for weeks trying to find an explanation for this unexplained sadness and depression. I was desperate to get rid of these feelings and open to try all kinds of solutions.

One day during one of my searches, I came across an article on meditation and mind control. Something in me stirred. This solution seemed too simple but I figured I had nothing lose. Life felt like it couldn't get worse so why not? I then spent all my reading all I could about meditation and trying to incorporate what I had read. The more I read, the more hopeful and excited I got! I became obsessed with all things related to the mind and our thinking and this force within. The solution to this life long problem seemed too good to be true, but I was determined to put it to the test. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain if all I was reading was true.

In 2008 the documentary "The Secret" found me. That documentary led me to Abraham-hicks and Neville Goddard. The two teachers I give the most credit for making things click within me. From 2008 to 2010 all I was doing was reading, listening and watching anything I found by them and similar teachers including Louise Hay, Eckhart Tolle, and Joseph Murphy. During that time, I was slowly getting the hang of meditating and watching the things I was saying but not seeing any real results. I wanted to give up but the little improvement in my mood kept me going. In 2011 I decided to stop consuming so much information and instead really focus on applying what I was reading. What was I telling myself in the privacy of my mind? Did I see the connecting between that and my personal experience? Those were the questions I was working with.

It was not a fun time getting to know my inner world and I could see the correlation between what I was telling myself and what I was experiencing. I was brutally honest with myself and made myself sick a couple of times when I realized how bad I had been thinking about myself and others. It took work, but eventually I was able to make my preferred thoughts more dominant and the outside did start to change. I was saying positive statements and affirmations whenever I remembered. My attitude and outlook on life transformed completely. My depression was under control and this underlying sadness was gone. I felt powerful!

By 2014, life was feeling amazing. I had accomplished my biggest goal of losing weight and my battle with food and diet became none existent. I lost 40 pounds without even trying! My self-esteem had also become genuinely high and I started to feel true genuine love for myself. It wasn't the fake confidence I had always put as a front in the past to cover up my self hate. I was starting to transform into the woman I had been imagining in my mind. I was enjoying life and loving the journey of becoming my best version. It seemed the more I focused on my inner world, the more I attracted information and tools to smoothly change my outer world. I attracted more teachers into my life and knowledge about the connection between our diet and mental health.

Being honest with myself about my true feelings and being deliberate with choosing better thoughts and words has become a lifestyle for me. It's not easy and takes work, but the results always remind me of why I should continue the work. Through the years it has helped me to deal with the ups and downs of life. Some of the things I appreciate from this work besides my weight loss and self love has been that I was able to heal part of my childhood trauma and form a close relationship with my mother, manifest a good job, find the perfect apartment, live through a life or death moment with my daughter, and overcome an attachment with an unhealthy toxic partner.

What I have learned on this journey is that there is a definite connection between what we say and what we experience. If we are willing to look inside of ourselves and be honest about what is there, we can make some true tangible changes. It is about being persistent in your preferred thoughts and not letting outside circumstances dictate our thought patterns. We can get caught up in the throws of life but always being willing to get back on track is what's important.

I like to start and end my day with positive affirmations to keep the momentum going. This habit is crucial to my successes. I definitely see a difference when I am not as consistent in consciously choosing my thoughts. That is why my brand was created, to remind myself and others doing the work to choose positive statements for ourselves. Hopefully I inspire you to take a look at what you are thinking and saying to yourself in the privacy of your mind if you aren't already. Remember the option to choose differently and better is always there.

Take care and many blessings to you!


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